So, this week was awful. That´s probably the first and hopefully the only time you will ever hear me say that. Here's an update on the people we're working with:
Diana and Pedro are our favorite family who are totally golden and have definitely been prepared to hear the gospel. They are starting work and we can only visit them every 2 weeks for their work visits. It´s awfully sad and I nearly cried.
Marsha, an amazing mom who is now alone because her 18 yr old moved out, and is separated from her husband, had a family emergency and went to Piura (like 3 hours north, for 2 1/2 weeks). That is just uncontrollable and awfully sad and I nearly cried.
Margarita, the greatest girl whose name means daisy, told us that she doesn´t want to read the Book of Mormon. We had such a great spiritual lesson and she said no. We tried SOOOOO hard. It was awfully sad and I nearly cried.
Then Rosi and Pedro, the craziest couple in their 60´s, were going to come to stake conference and we were going to set a baptismal date and everything, told us they don´t want to hear anything more of the church. It was awfully sad and I really did cry.
It is so so so so sad when the people just simply don´t accept the truth when it is placed so perfectly right in front of their faces. It´s so so sad. So that was my week in a nutshell.
On the bright side........
I have been in the mission for 7 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How crazy is that? Time flies when you are having fun is very true, but when you are serving the Lord, it just ZOOOOOOOMS. Seriously!
This week was also my sweet companion's birthday. It was a fun day. I spoiled her with kind words and service and cards and letters because there is no time to buy gifts or anything. She is 20 and I officially feel like a baby and so inadequate. hahaha
My english is getting worse and worse. My companion laughs at me all the time when I'm talking and and I start in english and end in spanish or when I can´t think of a word´s meaning in english. hahaha We laugh so so so so so so much together. It´s fun. THE MISSION IS FUN! My favorite thing ever is smiling. And laughing. Especially with the members. I don´t even care if they think I am crazy or silly because the sound of their laughter is like music to my ears.
This week we started studying the chapter from Preach My Gospel on the Book of Mormon. THE BOOK OF MORMON IS SO TRUE! I am reading it and following a timeline thing I found in the room. I'm understanding the stories and the doctrines mean so much more to me. Every day when I read, I cannot deny that it is the most true book on the face of planet earth. It is true! It helps me with every trial and rough time. It teaches me the doctrines in a simple way and helps me understand the plan of salvation and the power of the atonement. This simple blue book has changed me: as Clair, as Hermana Pilling, as a daughter of God. I am so so grateful for the Book of Mormon.
We had stake conference this week. It was great. Lots of the members, and members form other wards I have met on occasion, have made comments about how my spanish is so so so so good even though I haven´t had a Latina companion. It's the gift of tongues, I am telling you!
From Stake Conference: "Choose wisely and I know these things of myself". I am so grateful for my time in the mission and the things I've learned. The great thing is, I have no worries about anything but the gospel and the salvation of God´s children. hahaha But seriously. i don´t like making decisions and the mission doesn't have very many! It´s the best! Also, I'm so grateful for my testimony! I know these things are true for myself and no one can convince me otherwise!
I love you all, I love Peru and I love the mission! And I miss snow.
Hermana Pilling