This week went better. We finally found the ward directory and we are using that to find less actives and the members. We are hoping to get some good references from the members this week too. The work is coming along slowly but we are working hard with faith and have high hopes for this companionship and for this area. We literally want to be together the rest of my mission. We get along so well. Mom told me I neglected to tell you her name last week. My companion's name is Hermana Avila. This week she said, "I like to learn by observing". I literally feel so much pressure to be perfect. hahahaha but that is how it should be. I know I need to be an example in all things. She is learning a lot and I am doing all I can to love her and help her. The mission is the best. I am still dying of heat, but 3 days this week it actually wasn't hot at all. The weather here is so weird.
So you asked about my new pensionista. We pension in a hotel! hahaha. It's great. She cooks well. The first week we had lots of veggies but this week not really and I've been sick. VEGGIES ARE LIFE. I miss them so much. Veggies here means cucumber, tomatoes and onions. If you are lucky you will get broccoli and carrots. Anyways. she is super sweet. I discovered a new love this week... AVOCADO. I love it so much. Holy cow why haven't I eaten it my whole life? Seriously delish.
This week my companion asked me what my greatest trial in life has been so far. And I really thought about it. A couple hours later I responded. My mission has been my greatest trial so far. I have been tempted and I have doubted and I have questioned and I have been so close to giving up and it has really tried my faith. I told her how I thought my testimony was complete before my mission, and then I came here and the strength and assurance I have received for my testimony and conversion is incredible! I am so so so grateful for my testimony. Dad wrote me last week and said, - We wouldn't have you doing anything else...and if it means missed opportunities, I would suggest it really just means other opportunities because you wouldn't want to miss your mission experience. - and this helped me a lot. My mission has shaped and changed me like I never believed was possible. I am so grateful for the mission, for the JOY of the Gospel and for the blessings I receive. I see miracles. I learn new things. I love the people and I am so happy.
A little about my studies this week:
I was worrying a little bit about my success as a missionary and I read this scripture
"Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart..."
I know that God knows that I have done all I can. He can see my efforts and the desires of my heart.
Then I read,
"Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am the same that came unto mine own, and mine own received me not. I am the light which shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, if you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things.
Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?"
This hit me this week. I know that Christ is the Christ. Sometimes I pray and ask for a reassurance and when I read this, I was reminded that I do know. All I have to do is reread my journal or think back to all the many answers I have received, the comfort I have felt in moments of loneliness. I have received the great witness. Then I read,
"Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail."
This helped me too! I was worrying about going home and falling and trials of life and such as and this scripture, combined with my favorite in Helaman 5:12 just motivates me every day.
"And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men."
Okay, so I am really tired. Like all the time. And I read this and I realized I need to be diligent. I will receive an unknown strength that will keep me going until the last possible moment when president calls me and tells me I need so stop because my flight leaves in 2 minutes.... hahaha
This was my personal request to president this week:
"P.S. I would like to suggest mini fridges for the Jaen missionaries. It would pay off really fast seeing as all I ever want are cold drinks to keep me from getting dehydrated. I feel like no amount of luke warm water will quench my thirst.
Well, I love you all and I am so so so blessed to be here in Jaen with my awesome companion. I am so happy and I am also missing you all a lot.
Take care!
Hermana Pilling
My comp and I eating besos de mosa
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A cute 3 hair colored braid. This girl is 20 and she is literally as tall as Ian.