Monday, January 19, 2015

I Love the Old People and They Love Me

We had a lesson with Elisa, this menos activo that we recently started to teach.  We talked about the Book of Mormon and at the end it was quiet for a moment and I had the impression to tell her that she is a very special daughter of God and that He loves her. I said it to her and she teared up and expressed her gratitude for our time and efforts to help rescue her. It was pretty amazing. 

We are teaching another menos active who is like 60 ish and I don't know why, but the oldies here and I are just getting along really great! They are so awesome and I love them. She started reading her Book of Mormon again and she is already in Mosiah! 

We are teaching ANOTHER menos active who is 30, Veronica, and every single lesson when we ask if she has any questions or comments she just says, "well only that I know that this is true." hahaha She's so great and I really really have learned a lot from her and she is a huge example for me. 

We taught Liz and Piero a couple of times this week and every lesson we end up talking about faith. We got a text message from Piero Friday night that said, "Thanks to you guys and the scriptures my faith is getting a slap to the face!" hahahaha I laughed pretty hard.  He has more faith than everyone I know and still feels like he's nothing. What a humble man.  I love these people! 

We also worked with ward council and were able to buy reading glasses for Hermana Lola, the 81 year old recent convert.  We gave them to her before church on Sunday and to hear her singing and see her reading and everything just brought me SOOO much joy.  They don't have any money, they never eat breakfast for lack of money, and she just wants to read the Book of Mormon.  What an amazing example of being focused on the right things in life.  Mind you, eating is important. 
Speaking of eating.... it's so hot and our pensionista gives us ice-cream or popsicles everyday........ 

We did an FHE with a family on the talk by Tad R. Callister and I cried for one of the first times in a lesson. I am eternally grateful for my parents and the things they have taught me about the gospel, about prayer, for the quality time they spent with us kidlets and everything!  I am who I am thanks to my parents! I LOVE YOU GUYS! 

We got new mattresses because we haven't been sleeping well.  I have back pains, and we have the oldest mattresses in the mission (like 15 yrs old or something).  So we had our old ones and nothing to do with them! I asked one of our less actives if she could use them and without hesitating she said yes.  And then I told her we had 2 and she said, "WOW thank you so much!" That just goes to show what the living conditions are like out here.  We are very blessed as missionaries to have nice mattresses and hot water. 

Friday was our 1 month anniversary together (Sister McCally and I) and it was so so so so fun! I don't even know why but I just made my companion laugh so much and hearing her laugh and seeing her happy made me so happy :) 

I also love the song "In Our Lovely Deseret" in spanish.  It isn't very pretty in english but in spanish it's the best and it's super catchy. It's stuck in my head ALWAYS! It's a favorite of the members here too... 

I invite you all to read John 14:13-14, Alma 34:17-27 and do the personal activity in Preach My Gospel page 95 or ask yourself, how is my communication with my Heavenly Father going?  I am learning a lot about the importance of sincere, faithful prayer.  It's so so so so important.  We are so blessed to have prayer, the opportunity to talk with God.  It's awesome! 

I love you all and I hope that this week is also great! Next week I will have news about transfers....... ahhhh!


Hermana Pilling

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